March 20 is Fred Roger's birthday. Let's celebrate his life and impact with Won't You Be My Neighbor Day activities.

It's March! That means it's time again for Won’t You Be My Neighbor Day. This annual celebration the week of March 20 was started as a way to spread love and kindness in honor of Fred Rogers birthday. Mr. Rogers left a legacy of helping children and families believe “It’s a Beautiful Day in This Neighborhood”. And you can, too! Try to:
Do something kind for a neighbor. Saying hello to someone new is a great first step.
Organize a small event, like a potluck or game night. Include kids in the process.
Make your neighborhood more beautiful, like through sidewalk chalk art. Need ideas? Check out
You can be a part of cultivating the place where you live into a nurturing and safe environment for youth and families. If you choose to do something this March, let us know how you honored Mr. Rogers. You can do this by taking 5 minutes to share about your project and add your zip code to the map at