Southern Holland has unique characteristics. It has the greatest socio-economic and cultural diversity within the city. It is geographically and socially disjointed, which adds complexity to any effort to cultivate connection and change. It is against this backdrop that we at Great Lakes Urban are deeply grateful for the recent grant awarded by the Community Foundation of the Holland Zeeland Area. This grant will infuse $15,000 per year for two years toward building on current organizing work and establish a permanent Neighborhood Connector program.
One resident that's taken up the cause in southern Holland is Renee Jennings. Renee coordinates regular community meals with her neighbors at Meadow Lanes Townhomes. She loves feeding people, especially soul food. She also helps with food distribution and other connections. When she heard that Great Lakes Urban was setting up a Neighborhood Connector program, she stated, "I'm eager to join the Connector team. After dabbling with community work and coordinating community meals I'm excited to join a group of Connectors working and learning together."
With great neighbors like Renee, southern Holland is sure to change and grow! Check out some of the things neighbors are up to thanks to connectors like Renee:
Neighbors have self-organized into interest groups, such as crafting and game clubs.
Opportunities to gather have increased, such as potlucks, monthly meals, coffee outings, ice cream socials, and more.
Action teams have also formed to improve coordination among the resource partners serving the area.
Holland map.
